i guess the title speaks for itself, but when my dad passed away it got me thinking about all of the things i wanted to remember.  all of the things i am thankful for.  all of the things that i can keep with me.  and here’s what i came up with:   always hold the door open. it’s a small thing but it means a lot.  my dad always said that older people would notice this gesture.  and i think… Read more »

i used to do a post called ‘gems of the week’ but at this point i feel like it’s GEMS of the YEAR?!  however, in an effort to do better but not put pressure on myself, we will just stick with GEMS.  so here’s what’s been up as of late: i am beginning to wonder if we do, in fact, live in the desert.  we have had SO MUCH rain lately that it seems impossible, really.  i am here to… Read more »

remember that??!    the days that i used to blog?  NO?!  i hardly remember it either.  and i have no excuses this time HA! but i will tell you that for ages linds has been telling me that i should VLOG.  and i have been thinking about it recently.  i even did some research.  but i dunno???  do i have enough to say?  enough to VLOG about?!  and it’s weird because i used to hate the sound of my own… Read more »